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Youth and Family Programs

With more than three decades of programming experience, the New Mexico Office of Archaeological Studies (OAS) Education Outreach Program has developed an outreach philosophy that involves a multi-sensory approach, a human ecological perspective, and face-to-face interaction where possible. The guiding principle is that understanding human histories in terms of ecological, social, and economics principles is the best preparation for future generations, who will be faced with adapting to circumstances that are outside of our past experience or imagination. Our several offerings are collectively themed under the title “Surviving and Thriving: A History of Adaptation in New Mexico”.

• “Touch-and-feel” table-top museum

A traveling “touch and feel” table-top exhibit introducing learners to archaeological artifacts and replicas from 15,000 years of New Mexico culture.

• Educational Demonstrations

OAS educators can demonstrate and teach skills including yucca cordage, flint knapping, arrow making, reed mats, coil-based ceramics, and turkey-feather and rabbit-fur blankets, and string games.

• Downloadable student worksheets

Exercises that are meant to be student led within a multigenerational setting; these kits range in topic from archaeology, to geology, to biology.

• Programs under excavation and development

  • Dendrochronology
  • Historic Archaeology
  • Ceramic Analysis
  • Story time hour