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Help Wanted


As a not-for-profit enterprise without any discretionary state funds for research, the OAS often encounters wonderful opportunities that can’t be pursued in the course of our normal work. For larger research projects we can apply for grant funds from foundations or agencies, but that solution isn’t quick enough or cost effective for smaller or urgent opportunities. For these projects, we also depend on the Friends of Archaeology, a private support group of the Museum of New Mexico Foundation, and donations from other institutions and individuals. To make a contribution, contact Lauren Paige at the Museum of New Mexico Foundation at (505) 982-2282 or; or go to

Join the Friends of Archaeology

The Friends of Archaeology supports educational and research activities at the OAS. The Friends sponsor lectures, tours, dinners, and fundraising events to share information on our projects with the public. Membership in the Friends of Archaeology is free to members of the Museum of New Mexico Foundation. A list of upcoming events can be found at Information on the Museum of New Mexico Foundation is at

Jobs at the OAS

“Permanent” positions at OAS are really “contract-to-contract,” but we make every effort to provide career-long employment with full benefits for our staff. Openings for long-term staff positions at OAS are advertised through the New Mexico State Personnel Office. You can find announcements of open positions at the NMSPO web site, Search for “Anthropologist/Archaeologist” (we occasionally hire for other job classes). Jobs are usually posted for only two weeks, but we try to advertise openings through the New Mexico Archaeological Council list and other outlets. Anyone seeking employment should make sure that they have access to their resumes and photocopies of college transcripts documenting coursework and degrees. Paper copies of all application materials should be sent to OAS after the information has been entered electronically into the SPO web site. Temporary work and jobs for laborers are not advertised through State Personnel. To inquire about these short-term positions, contact John Taylor-Montoya or Thatcher Seltzer-Rogers at the OAS.

Turkey feathers

The OAS Education Outreach Program is constantly in need of turkey feathers to make turkey-feather blanket samples for demonstrations. The long, downy body feathers are good for making blankets, and Chuck Hannaford uses tail feathers to fletch throwing spears. Tail feathers are flatter and less curved than wing or body feathers and make the spear more likely to travel straight through the air. Wild or heirloom turkey feathers are needed; domestic brown or white turkey feathers don’t have the qualities of the “real thing”. If you know someone who is a successful turkey hunter, please ask them to consider sending the feathers to the OAS. Email Shelby Jones for details.