New Mexico Highlands University monitoring project
Office of Archaeological Studies archaeologists monitored utility work at an historic period cemetery at the New Mexico Highlands University campus during a capital renovation project.
Read Street monitoring project
Office of Archaeological Studies archaeologists monitored fiber optic conduit installation beneath a downtown street for the City of Santa Fe.
Santa Fe Botanical Garden test excavations
Staff archaeologists performed test excavations at the Santa Fe Botanical Gardens campus for a project on unimproved land on Museum Hill.
Cimmaron Survey for the New Mexico Department Game and Fish
The archaeologists at the Office of Archaeological Studies surveyed Cimarron Canyon for the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish.
Pueblo of Acoma Mesa Hill Bridge data recovery project
The Office of Archaeological Studies conducted a largescale excavation and data recovery project for the Pueblo of Acoma on an 18th-century homestead in preparation for the construction of a bridge serving local traffic.