Upcoming Events

July 31, 2024

When Lightning Strikes Twice: Correlating Lightning Strikes and Rock Art Imagery
OAS Brown Bag talk by John Lawrence Pitts, MIAC research associate, at the CNMA, 12:00 noon, free!

Holiday Party and Silent Auction

November 3, 2019

Sunday, November 3, 2019, 3 to 6 pm
Cost of event: $30

The Friends of Archaeology (FOA) is holding its annual Holiday Party and Silent Auction, Sunday, November 3, from 3 to 6 pm, at its new location: the La Fonda on the Plaza in the Terraza Room at 100 East San Francisco Street. This festive and informative event provides a rare opportunity for the public to learn about how New Mexico's first inhabitants lived, their not-so-primitive technologies, and some of the interesting archaeological digs underway in New Mexico. The party benefits the FOA, a volunteer organization that was created by the Museum of New Mexico Foundation in 1991 to support ongoing research and education projects at the Museum of New Mexico's Office of Archaeological Studies (OAS).

This event helps raise money for another very important OAS function: to educate the next generation of New Mexicans in the state's rich archaeological history through its award-winning education outreach program. OAS archaeologists travel to schools throughout New Mexico, trying to reach every county in the state each year. Operating almost exclusively on private donations since 1995, this successful program has twice won the prestigious “Award for Excellence in Public Education,” from the Society for American Archaeology.

The silent auction this year features exceptional and beautiful Native American pottery and baskets, eclectic furnishings, prints and paintings, books, a vacation getaway on the Oregon coast and many other unique offerings.

Reservations can be made by replying to the mailed invitation (preferred) or by calling (505) 982-7799, ext.7 and someone will call you back. Tickets can also be purchased at the door.

Please check back on this website and the Museum of New Mexico Foundation's Friends of Archaeology website for updates.


2019 Annual FOA Holiday Party and Silent Auction