New Mexico Office of Archaeological Studies

The Office of Archaeological Studies on YouTube

The Office of Archaeological Studies (OAS) now has a channel on YouTube featuring several of the OAS archaeologists at work. Each of these videos demonstrates the variety of tasks that the archaeologists at the Office of Archaeological Studies perform every day, whether it is using a total station in the field or replicating a rabbit fur blanket for display.

These videos are intended for use in the Project Archaeology curriculum that Mollie Toll has been introducing to teachers in the New Mexico public school system, as well as independent schools, as a means of augmenting their lesson plans. Project Archaeology is a partnership between Montana State University and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) which serves to teach students about the nation's rich scientific, cultural, historical, and anthropological heritage.

Animal Adaptations

Faunal analyst Caitlin Ainsworth introduces animal adaptations in this kid-friendly video that pairs with the Fantastic Beasts activity on the New Mexico Office of Archaeological Studies' At Home Resources page.

Weaving a rabbit fur blanket

Archaeologist Lynette Etsitty demonstrates how to weave a rabbit fur blanket in this video series. Lynette shows the viewer how to create each of the material types used in creating a rabbit fur blanket, from processing yucca fiber to weaving rabbit fur strips into a finished and wearable garment.

How to make an arrow

Archaeologist Isaiah Coan shows us how to create an arrow in this video series. Isaiah demonstrates every step in making an arrow, from flintknapping the point to honing the arrow's shaft and attaching the fletching.

Using a total station

Archaeologist and project director Jessica Badner gives a step-by-step tutorial in the proper methods of using a total station. The total station is an indespensible piece of equipment in modern archaeology and Jessica explains why it is so critical in accurately mapping and documenting an archaeological site.

Exploring a prehistoric pit house

The pit house (more accurately described as the pit structure) was once the most common type of habitation in the American Southwest. It was later developed into the more common free-standing Pueblo roomblock common to Puebloan architecture.

Marlon Magdalena: Music and Ceremony

Marlon Magdalena, member of Jemez Pueblo and instructional coordiantor at Jemez State Historic Site, explains the significance of corn in Pueblo society and demonstrates his passion for traditional flute music.

Norma and Hutch Naranjo: Traditional Farming

Norma and Hutch Naranjo of Ohkay Owinge and Santa Clara Pueblo, respectively, discuss corn's importance to Pueblo culture. In addition to being traditional farmers, Norma and Hutch own and operate a catering business called The Feasting Place.

Lenora Tsosie: Family and Ceremony

Lenora Tsosie speaks about corn in Navajo culture and how the staple crop is critical to the life of a Navajo girl and its use is symbolic of her transition into womanhood.