New Mexico Office of Archaeological Studies

The Office of Archaeological Studies in the news

Jessica Badner featured in the Santa Fe Reporter and Pasatiempo

OAS archaeologist and project director Jessica Badner was featured in two local news stories recently, once in the Santa Fe Reporter and again in the Santa Fe New Mexican's Pasatiempo.

The Santa Fe Reporter article quotes Jessica commenting on the Office of Archaeological Studies' monitoring of the new broadband pipeline installation work in downtown Santa Fe. The Pasatiempo article discusses Jessica's findings in the Santa Fe Railyard excavations in the newly-released report entitled "From Acequias to Industry: the Archaeology of Neighborhood and Infrastructure at the Santa Fe Railyard". Also in the Pasatiempo article, Jessica reflects upon her love of archaeology, what made her choose archaeology as her field of study, and her career in New Mexico.

Read more in the Pasatiempo article and in the Santa Fe Reporter article.

"Out of this World" article in New Mexico Magazine

Click to open this article as a PDF

Former OAS Archaeologist Wolky Toll and our former director are featured in this article about Chaco outlier sites:

"With so much of its human past scattered in plain sight across the landscape, New Mexico offers the casual day-tripper and more serious archaeology buff an amazing range of sites to visit. As the poster child for ancient ruins here and a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Chaco Canyon stands with sites like the Egyptian pyramids, Stonehenge, and the Great Wall of China for its uniqueness and its high levels of political, economic, and cultural development. For decades, the canyon’s breathtaking monumental public architecture has drawn visitors from around the world. It is, of course, a must-see—but there’s much more to Chaco Culture than the Canyon" more

This article originally appeared in the May 2013 issue of New Mexico Magazine.