Tom Windes
OAS Research Associate
Tom Windes received his anthropology degrees from the University of North Carolina (B.A., 1965) and the University of New Mexico (M.A., 1967). He worked in the Chama River Valley and southeastern Utah before joining the Chaco Project in 1972. Ever since then he has worked on Chaco-related archaeological survey and excavation projects; the results of his work have been published in Scientific American, American Antiquity, Kiva, Journal of Archaeological Science, and other journals, as well as the site reports of the Chaco Center. Tom's specialties include ceramic analyses, dating techniques (such as tree-ring and archaeomagnetic dating), a Chacoan shrine communications system, ant studies, and turquoise craft activities. He also is involved with inventorying communities around Chaco Cultural National Historical Park. Tom's interest in tree-ring dating extends to historic sites, and he has worked on dating traditional Hispanic communities in northern New Mexico.