New Mexico Office of Archaeological Studies

Regge N. Wiseman, Archaeologist

Regge WisemanRegge N. Wiseman
Research associate and former OAS project director

"Born and raised in Roswell, I developed an early interest in archaeology. One of my first experiences was in a small cave in the Guadalupe Mountains in the early 1960s. (That's me in the mouth of that cave when I returned to fill out a site form recently.) I took my first summer job with the Museum of New Mexico, working that year and the next at old Fort Sumner (now Fort Sumner State Monument) with John P. 'Jack' Wilson, then curator of historical archaeology at the Laboratory of Anthropology.

After time out for basic and advanced training with the New Mexico Army National Guard, I put in a year of graduate school at Arizona State University. A job offer with the Lab brought me back to New Mexico, and I was employed with the state until my retirement in 2000.

In recent years I have been involved with numerous archaeological activities. Most of them involve old Lab projects, editing and other duties for the Archaeological Society of New Mexico, and minor excavations and pottery analyses for archaeologists of the Southern Plains of Kansas and Texas and the Trans-Pecos region of West Texas. These activities have been greatly facilitated by my research associate status at OAS.

Over the years I have developed strong background and interests in the prehistory and early history of New Mexico and adjacent parts of southeastern Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas. Especially during the past twenty years, much of that work has focused on pottery identification and analysis and the archaeologies of the Jornada Mogollon, Rio Grande Ancestral Puebloan, Southern Plains Village, and Trans-Pecos 'cultures.'"

—Regge N. Wiseman

(Photo by Paul Katz)