New Mexico Office of Archaeological Studies

Educational Demonstrations

Educational demonstrations can be provided to students of any age. Students will be able to observe the creation of yucca cordage, arrowheads, ceramic pots, arrows, and turkey feather and rabbit fur blankets by OAS educators.

In addition, hands-on activities, directed by OAS educators, are available to the following age groups:

Age 7 and older:

• Using replica bows made by OAS educators, students can practice shooting handmade arrows at three-dimensional targets. This activity requires access to a safe, outdoor range, typically a large, empty field.

• Students will be taught to weave a “reed mat” using historical techniques. This activity has been modified to make use of paper as the harvest and collection of reeds is often seasonally limited. 

• Native OAS Educator Isaac Coan will teach traditional string games while sharing stories related to each game. Out of respect for local Native cultures, this program is only available from late November to April. 

Age 9 and older:

• Using replica bows made by OAS educators, students can practice shooting handmade arrows at three-dimensional targets. Students can also use our traditionally created atlatls and spears. These activities require access to a safe, outdoor range, typically a large, empty field.

• Students can learn to prepare and spin yucca fiber into cordage. 

• Students will be taught to make traditional arrows using modern techniques and supplies. 

• Using ancestral techniques, OAS educators will offer instruction in the creation of coil and pinch pottery. Due to staffing and equipment constraints, this activity can only be offered to groups of 14 or fewer.